Indiana Blue Alert Program

   The Indiana Blue Alert Program was established to provide an early warning of threats to Hoosier law enforcement officers who are missing, seriously injured or killed in the line of duty and the suspect, who poses an immediate threat, has not been apprehended.

   When Public Law 38 was enacted by the Indiana General Assembly in 2013, our state became the 17th to establish such a program that today is operational in a total of 37 states. The Indiana State Police administers the program through the Indiana Clearinghouse for Information on Missing Children, Missing Veterans at Risk and Missing Endangered Adults who also administer the AMBER Alert, Silver Alert and Green Alert programs.

   Working closely with television and radio stations, newspapers and others, a statewide Blue Alert may be issued only when a request is made by a law enforcement agency and there is sufficient information for dissemination to the public when:

  • A law enforcement officer has been killed or seriously injured while in the line of duty, the suspect has not been apprehended and the suspect poses an imminent threat to the public or other law enforcement personnel; or
  • A law enforcement officer is missing while in the line of duty under circumstances warranting concern for the officer’s safety

   On May 19, 2015, President Barack Obama signed into law the Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-12), which established a voluntary nationwide system to give an early warning of threats against law enforcement officers.

   This Act was named for two New York City police officers who were ambushed while sitting in their patrol car on December 20, 2014 and although the suspect was known to be in the area, the ability to relay this information to the public in a timely manner was lacking. In participating states, delivery of Blue Alerts were implemented as part of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on January 18, 2019 and were implemented as part of the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on July 18, 2019 for mobile devices.

• Subscribe to receive Blue Alerts

• Contact Information for Indiana Blue Alert Program
Indiana State Police
Indiana Clearinghouse for Information on Missing Children, Missing Veterans at Risk and Missing Endangered Adults
100 North Senate Avenue, Room N340
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2259
(317) 232-2929
(800) 831-8953 (24-hour service)

Indiana Blue Alert Procedures for Law Enforcement Agencies  

• Additional Resources
Indiana Blue Alert Program
National Blue Alert Network

The Indiana Law Enforcement Memorial will redistribute any Blue Alert that is issued to its subscribers and on our Facebook page.

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